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Tips Page One Google Using Search Engine Optimation (SEO) for Your Website

What will be learned

1.  The fundamentals of online business strategy

2.  Fundamentals of application of search engine optimation (SEO)

The fundamentals of online business strategy.

Online businesses can magnify your business opportunities at a wide range.

But to get around it, it's important to know where and what your prospective customer is doing.

Tips Page One Google Using Search Engine Optimation (SEO) for Your Website

4 consumer stages of online shopping :

1.  Look

The first stage is the see, the important thing of this stage is when others become inspired to begin by looking around, or the online environment around them.

2.  Think

At the "think" stage, you start looking for information' best running shoes for beginners' content online, like a blog article or a target ads.

Give more information as a basis for your decision to purchase

3.  Do

At the stage "do", you do purchase activities based on the information you have collected

4.  Care

After buying shoes you want, you want to share your experiences at social media, or enrolling in to be a member of the shoes product.

The things that do with this post-purchase are part of the caring stage

Each consumer can go through different stages. This is because many factors can affect consumer decisions, such as a friend's recommendation, discount promo, dil. Therefore, it is important for business to attend each stage of the consumer.

Here are some effective marketing strategies for the advancement of online business research

Do research market trends for proper market segment

  • Echoes

Echoes the products of business or business so they can readily be remembered and be noticed.

  • Online

Utilize social media and website platforms and optimize with seo

  • Promotion

Make a free trial (buy 1 free 1 discount, etc)

  • Relation

Maintain relationships and good relations with your customers

Use the right keyword on your online media

Keywords on your online media can increase the likelihood of being found by your prospective consumer. A few steps you could use to look up your terms or key words:

  • Find the top results in search engines for your products or services.

  • Look for any keywords that appear on the web site

  • What message/hashtag (hashtag/) is used on social media

SEO Elementary

How does the search engine work?

In general the work of each search engine is divided into three stages:

1.  Crawler and webpage indexing

At this stage search engines use web crawlers to manage information from pages and publicly available content in the search index

2.  Search algorithm

At this stage, the search rating system will list hundreds of billions of pages in the search index to provide useful and relevant results

3.  A useful response

At this stage, search engines ensure to provide search results in various formats to help users find information

How do you make your website appear in search engines?

1.  Search engine optimization (SEO):

Seo is the process for optimizing your web site to perform better on the search engine page. Surely you would like your website to appear on the first page, even at the top of the Google search engine.

2.  Search engine marketing (SEM):

You can put up an ads for a search engine so your website can show up on paid search results

What is search engine optimization (SEO)?

The optimizing process of your web site to perform better on the search engine page.

Why we used SEO?

  • Upgrading your web ranks in search engines specifically Google
  • Getting more traffics from potential customers who are more interested in your business
  • Free traffict 24/7
  • Raise your business brand awareness and gain more trust than any prospective customer
  • Helps get prospective customers so it helps grow the business

Why isn't your site googled?

  • They don't connect well with other sites on the web
  • You just launched a new website and haven't traced the Google crawl
  • Web design makes it harder for Google to search for content effectively
  • Google got an error trying to search your site.
  • Your policy is blocking Google websites

Search Engine Optimation (SEO) Application

2 canals to increase your visitor's visit to the bisnis website

1.  Google My Business

While customers are looking for business around them and finding your shop on Google maps, the customers will look at your business profiles and your web run by you on Google My Business

2.  Google Search

When a customer types out a keyword on Google search, a query from that search will find a site related to the password.

It's important to consider getting a possible customer with an organic search

1.  High-quality content

  • Unique that has never been published on the Internet
  • Detail in explaining the topic
  • It's structured in good order
  • Connecting with other content
  • It has good value for the user based on experience, research and data

2.  Site page view speed

Internet users like websites that appear in under 3 seconds, and Google gives better grades for those that appear faster

You could do your website speed test on Testmysite,

For further check, please enter link Type in your business website address and see your site speed.

Inspectors are more suitable if you hire developers to build your sites

Your website has to be accessible from mobile phones both well and fast because it's at this moment -70% of the web accessibility is mobile media

3.  Keyword ; Google keyword planner | trends | trends alerts

Keywords are important words or wording used by the website accesser, find a website in the search engine, then read content on the website.

In determining key words, consider the following three factors by volume. competition, and relevance

Google products that help to find relevant keywords:

1. Google Trends

Google trends is a free feature of Google where you can tell what key words are being bought most in the world, particular country or city by period. Open Google trends in trends. Google. com

2. Google Keyword Planner

Google keyword planner is a free feature of Google advertising to search for the most widely used keyword Internet users

When looking for information, and look at the search volume and metrics of certain keywords. Goes to Google ads on ads. Google. com

3.Google Alerts

Google alerts is a free feature of Google where we can make a warning cloned to our emails about certain key words. Go to Google alerts in

4.  Site structures

  • Title/ logo

Every page of your website should have a unique title. The title page is what the user looked at on the search engine's page and the first element that was traced by Google. It could also be attached to a logo.

  • Page description or meta description

That description is not directly seen by the user, but can appear on the machine's page if selected by Google.

  • Main heading (h1)/ menu

  1. It's part of the hypertext markup language programming language (HTML) where every page should only have an h1 tag
  2. H1 tag is usually the first header tag seen on a page and on top of another
  3. Appearing as a menu
  4. Sub feeds (h2, h3)/ content or post
  5. H2 and h3 help the user read content on your website by dividing it into several parts and doing it in a sequence.

  • Pictures, sounds, and videos

If you add pictures, sounds or videos to your website page, then you should give the Alt text with a clear description so that the Google search engine can understand it and can wallpaper.

Thank you and I'll see you later. ;)


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