What will be learned 1. The fundamentals of online business strategy 2. Fundamentals of application of search engine optimation (SEO) The fundamentals of online business strategy. Online businesses can magnify your business opportunities at a wide range. But to get around it, it's important to know where and what your prospective customer is doing. Tips Page One Google Using Search Engine Optimation (SEO) for Your Website 4 consumer stages of online shopping : 1. Look The first stage is the see, the important thing of this stage is when others become inspired to begin by looking around, or the online environment around them. 2. Think At the "think" stage, you start looking for information' best running shoes for beginners' content online, like a blog article or a target ads. Give more information as a basis for your decision to purchase 3. Do At the stage "do", you do purchase activities based on the information you have collected 4. Care After buy...
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