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How to Find the Right Japanese University For You

How to Find the Right Japanese University For You

If you’re looking to study in Japan, the process of choosing the right university can seem daunting. There are a lot of factors to consider, from the amount of Japanese required to attend, to the type of program you want to pursue. 

This guide will help you narrow it down, by listing some of the most important things to look for in a Japanese university.

Kampus jepang

How to Find the Right Japanese University For You

1. Understand your goals

One of the first things you need to do when looking to choose a Japanese university is to understand what you're looking for. Are you looking for a prestigious school with top ranking scores in Japan? Or are you more interested in learning about your culture and lifestyle?

Waseda university

2. Consider your experience level

There are many factors to consider when choosing the right Japanese university for you, and your experience level is one of them. 

Before deciding to attend a Japanese university, it is important to take into account your level of Japanese proficiency. If you have no Japanese experience, a university with a language requirement may be off-putting. However, some universities offer programs that can accommodate students who do not have prior Japanese language instruction. 

Another important factor to consider is your level of experience living in Japan. If you have only visited Japan a few times as a tourist, you will likely find attending a university difficult. If, however, you have lived in Japan for an extended period of time and are familiar with the culture and language, attending a university may be a more feasible option for you.

As you can see, there are many factors to consider when choosing the right Japanese university for you. Armed with this information, it should be easier for you to make an informed decision about which school would be the best fit for you.

3. Look at the university's rankings

When choosing a Japanese university, it is important to consider the rankings the school is currently placed in. There are many different ranking agencies that compile their lists in different ways, but the most common way to measure academic quality is by counting the number of prestigious awards and degrees the school has bestowed upon its students. Other factors that are taken into account include faculty research productivity and international collaborations. 

Some schools, like Kyoto University, maintain consistently high rankings regardless of economic conditions or cultural changes. So, if you want to study in Japan and feel as though you can succeed no matter what obstacles come your way, these rankings may be a good indicator of which school is best for you. 

However, keep in mind that these rankings are only one piece of the puzzle. Make sure to also ask around, speak with current students, and visit the campus if possible before making a decision. The best universities are not always the ones with the highest ranking, and there are many excellent options out there for students who are willing to do their research.

4. Consider the cost of attendance

When it comes to choosing a Japanese university, one of the most important factors to consider is the cost of attendance. There are a variety of different types of programs and degrees offered at Japanese universities, so it can be difficult to determine which one is right for you. However, by understanding some key factors, you can make an informed decision.

When looking at the cost of attendance, it is important to consider the type of program you are interested in. Some Japanese universities have more expensive tuition rates than others. 

For instance, Waseda University has some of the highest tuition rates in Japan. However, if you are interested in a non-degree program, their tuition rates may be lower than other universities.

Another important factor to consider when calculating the cost of attendance is your experience level. Certain universities may be more suitable for students with a certain level of experience. 

For instance, Keio University is known for having a very high admission rate for international students. 

This means that if you have completed college or a similar level of education, you may be more likely to be accepted into Keio University.

Another important consideration when deciding on the cost of attendance is the university's ranking. Many universities enjoy a great amount of prestige, and this can affect how much they cost to attend. For instance, Waseda University is considered one of the top universities in Japan, so their tuition rates reflect that.

While the cost of attendance is an important factor to consider when choosing a Japanese university, it is not the only one. Make sure to talk to friends, family members, and Japanese nationals who have already attended the campus you are interested in before making a commitment. 

Finally, visit the universities and ask questions about the program and cost of attendance. Once you have gathered all the information you need, take the plunge and make your decision!

5. Consider the type of program you want to pursue

If you have already decided which Japanese university you want to attend, you can focus on the type of program you would like to pursue. There are four main types of Japanese universities: undergraduate, graduate, vocational, and professional.

Undergraduate Japanese universities offer a variety of undergraduate programs, including general studies, arts and humanities, social sciences, business, law, agriculture, and health care. 

Graduate Japanese universities offer a variety of graduate programs, including business administration, engineering, education, health care, and veterinary medicine. Vocational Japanese universities offer a variety of vocational programs, such as culinary arts, childcare and child development, marine services and fisheries.

Professional Japanese universities offer a variety of professional degrees, such as law, business administration, accounting and finance, nursing, and dentistry.

6. Make a list of university you're interested in and compare them

When narrowing down your list of potential Japanese universities, it's important to consider a variety of factors, including the type of program you'd like to pursue, cost, location, and popularity.

To compile a list of universities that fit your needs, consider using online resources, such as The JET Programme Guide. This guide lists Japanese universities by their ranking and provides information on each school's features, cost, location, and popularity.

To get an idea for the atmosphere and quality of education at each school, it's a good idea to visit each one in person. Talk to friends, family members, and Japanese nationals who have already attended the school you're interested in. Finally, compare the features of each university before making your decision.

7. Talk to friends, family, and Japanese nationals who have gone to the university you're interested in

Whether you’re new to the idea of studying in Japan or you’ve beenying to learn more about the best Japanese universities, talking to people who have already visited the school you’re interested in can be extremely helpful. This way you can get their honest opinions on whether it’s the right fit for you and hear about any struggles or successes they had while attending.

It can also be a great way to get an idea of what living in Japan is like and what sort of program or courses would be most appropriate for your goals. Additionally, asking around can give you an idea of how much tuition and living costs at the school will be.

Of course, no two people’s experiences will be exactly the same, so take everything you hear with a grain of salt. However, if you feel like the school is a good match for your interests and you’re feeling confident about making the move, reach out to your friends and family to find out more!

8. Visit the University and ask questions

It is important to visit the Japanese university you are interested in before making a decision. 

When visiting the school, be sure to ask questions about the program you want to pursue, the classes you will need to take, the living situation, and more! 

It's also a good idea to ask professors what type of program they offer, what level of difficulty the Japanese language course is, and how close the campus is to your home. 

Remember to keep in mind that not all Japanese universities are created equal, so it’s important to research carefully before committing to a university.

9. Make a decision and commit to it!

When it comes to choosing a Japanese university, there are many factors to consider. However, it is important to remember your goals and ensure that the university you choose is the right fit for you. 


Here are some tips to help make the decision process easier:

1. Understand your goals. 

Once you haveidentified your goals, it is important to research the various Japanese universities that may offer programs that would support your goals. Take into account the school's rankings and its location in relation to where you want to live and work after graduation.

2. Consider your experience level. 

Before making a decision, it is important to assess your prior experience with learning a new language. Many Japanese universities require students to have successfully completed an intermediate level Japanese course before enrolling in a degree program. If you have not taken such a course, be prepared to take one before coming to Japan as most universities offer Japanese language courses as part of their program requirements.

3. Look at the university's rankings. 

When searching for a Japanese university, be sure to consider the university's ranking. This will help you determine which schools are reputable and which may be more suited for your needs. In addition, many Japanese universities have website listings in various directories, such as The Times Higher Education World University Rankings or the QS World University Rankings.

4. Consider the cost of attendance. 

One of the major concerns for students when choosing a Japanese university is the cost of attendance. Make sure to compare schools based on tuition rates, room and board charges, and other expenses associated with attending the school. Remember that not all Japanese universities offer full scholarships or financial aid packages, so be sure to ask about these options before committing to a school.

5. Consider the type of program you want to pursue. 

Once you have identified your goals, it is important to choose a Japanese university that offers the type of program that best suits your needs. For example, if you want to study Japanese literature or linguistics, look for a university with these concentrations in its curriculum. Alternatively, if you are interested in studying business or law, be aware that certain universities may offer specific degree programs in these areas rather than general education courses.

6. Make a list of schools you're interested in and compare them. 

When narrowing down your options, it is helpful to create a list of schools that interest you and compare their features and amenities. Be sure to ask other Japanese nationals who have attended the school what you interest with it. 


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